lizetta loves

On the Northern Line

The London Underground.

A place where you don’t look people in the eye, don’t talk to strangers and generally keep yourself to yourself. Also the perfect place for some people watching. There are so many characters to be found, and today’s adventure on the Northern Line was no exception.

  • The gorgeous dog who very much enjoyed all the attention it was getting. They say dogs look like their owners and in this case I could definitely see the resemblance.
  • A moment of calm before a family of four boarded, children squealing with excitement about something the whole journey – and the mother wasn’t much better. They wouldn’t have looked out of place at the Cute exhibition currently on at Somerset House.
  • A queue of rockers and goth teens waiting to get into Camden Town station. Coats making a statement.
  • Families with tired children, unimpressed at having to walk down the spiral staircase to the platforms.
  • A young couple in furry bucket hats sitting on the platform floor, impatiently waiting the five minutes until the next southbound tube.
  • A group of cowboys and cowgirls off to a Buck’N Bull in Canada Water. Stetsons, cowboys boots and lots of denim. I spotted a pair of “let’s go girl” earrings, a phrase that can only be said with a Shania Twain twang.
  • Compliments given to a young woman in a gold sparkly dress at Elephant and Castle.

Our adventure almost ended with an impromptu singalong of Total Eclipse of the Heart thanks to a guy responding “bright eyes” as I said, a little louder than I realised, “turn around” as we were heading out of the station.

Ignore the rules. Good things can happen when you connect with strangers.

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