lizetta loves

Donald Duck Day

On 9 June 1934, Donald Duck made his screen debut in the cartoon ‘The Wise Little Hen’. To commemorate this day, 9 June is celebrated as Donald Duck Day. This year I decided to stitch a little something to add to my collection of Donalds.

Donald Duck, pattern created and stitched by Lizetta / @zettastitch

Donald Duck has been my favourite Disney character for many years and I now have a growing collection of Donald Duck themed items. It all started with a money box I had as a child – I had Donald Duck and my brother had a Mickey Mouse one. For my 21st birthday, my dad bought my a 50cm tall model of Donald that I saw in a shop in Lincoln where I was at university. The rest is history.

Over the years I’ve acquired a variety of items to include in my collection. Friends and family have gifted me new and vintage Donald Ducks, and I’ve picked ones up from markets and online – in fact Instagram friends have gifted me things as they know about my obsession. A good friend crocheted me a Donald a couple of years ago and I’ve made one from Lego. Today I’m wearing a Donald Duck t-shirt and earrings. There isn’t a room in my flat where you won’t spot a Donald smiling, or in some cases grimacing, at you.

I’m not entirely sure why I love him so much, but I’m sure the fact that as a teenager a friend told me I look like a duck, as well as him being known for his at times fiery temper, is why I’ve always felt a slight affinity with him.

Some photos of my collection are below. I’ve also included ‘The Wise Little Hen’ so you can see Donald’s debut for yourself. Like most cartoon characters, he’s definitely evolved over time.

Do you have a favourite cartoon character? Do you have a collection built around one specific thing?

Walt Disney’s 1934 cartoon ‘Wise Little Hen’ featuring Donald Duck

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