lizetta loves

Half way

The problem with doing anything that requires you to count the days is that you become very aware of the passing of time.

Today is day 50 of this year’s 100 day project. 50 days of writing down; 50 days to go. The time is going very fast which is both a blessing and a curse.

I didn’t really have any plans for what I was going to write when I set out on this project, and that hasn’t changed as the time has gone on. Every day I have seen what comes to mind and what flows out onto paper (well the keyboard). I’ve been inspired by things I’ve done, a memory, or just something going on in the world. I’ve also started sharing some of my collections that I’ve been growing in some cases for many years.

Some days have been easier than others. There have been days when I’ve sat down to write first thing, before starting work. Other days it gets to 11pm and I haven’t written a word – like today, when I started writing as we sat on the tube heading home from a gig. Some days I haven’t wanted to write but even then I’ve managed to throw something together.

Days when I need to sort photos to go with my words definitely take more time, but that also helps me keep on top of editing and sharing the many photos I take on a daily basis. Whilst this wasn’t meant to be a visual project, capturing my memories alongside my photos has been acting like the journal that I’ve never been good at keeping.

The biggest challenge has definitely been getting over my perfectionism, and having a deadline to share has helped with that. Technology has been annoying at times which has meant that I’ve occasionally had to wait until the next day to click publish but so far every post has been written on the relevant day (this one may creep slightly in the early hours but it will be done before I go to bed).

I may not love everything I’ve written, but I’m pleased that I’ve got into the rhythm of writing everyday. That’s not my intention long term but I’m hoping that when this project is over I’ll procrastinate less on the things I want to write and just get them done.

So here’s to the next 50 days of this project and whatever words comes out.

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