lizetta loves

Bank holiday

I am so grateful that tomorrow is a bank holiday. I may be struggling to believe it’s May (Christmas still feels like it was just yesterday), but I’m looking forward to a day when I have no plans. There is no need for an alarm. There is nowhere I need to be.

The past eight days have been busy. Numerous different family gatherings, a Monday night gig, some mini Tickles London adventures, and a girls day of jewellery shopping and lunching. My life is normally feast or famine when it comes to social plans, and this has definitely been a feast, just after I’d recovered from the previous couple of busy weeks. It’s been a good type of busy, but my energy levels are once again depleted

I usually use Sunday evenings to rest and reset for the week ahead, but this week I’ll be using tomorrow to do that. Time to catch up on the laundry and other chores. Time to potter. Time to lounge around and see what my brain and my body feels up to.

The name ‘bank holiday’ is a bit archaic as it feels like high street banks are never open these days, not that I’ve needed to go to one in a longtime. The term comes from a different time in how people live their lives, like when Sundays were rest days and there weren’t as many services that were expected to be available when 9-5ers weren’t working.

I’m going with it though. An extra day when I don’t have to work is just what I need right now.

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